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How to write an academic essay - A guide by a professional essay writer

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Hey all,

I’m Drew, a professional essay writer and a history graduate. I have 6+ years of experience writing essays full-time and thought I’d share my writing process with you in a how-to guide. This is the final part of my series of how-to guides on researching, planning and writing academic essays. It's a follow-on from the planning guide, so be sure to read that one as well!

This guide is targeted for those in the humanities and social sciences but should still be helpful across all disciplines.

  1. Plan. An effective and detailed plan is the foundation of any good essay. In fact, you should spend much, much more time planning an essay than writing it, so you’re left with a skeleton of your essay with all the key points and details. The writing process is about adding the substance to that skeleton with style, professionalism, and flourish. As planning is such a huge part of the writing process, it warrants its own guide, which I have written here.
  2. Create a time schedule. Writing an essay is a mentally and creatively exhaustive process, so you’ll want to make sure you’ve given yourself enough time to write the full thing whilst maintaining the quality you’re capable of. You should aim to write about 1000 words a day, and certainly no more than 1,500, unless you’re on a time crunch. With a good plan in place this should only take 3-4 hours per day. After you’ve done your 1000 words of the day, just relax and leave the essay alone until tomorrow. Writing effectively can only be done by conserving creative energy. You should also leave a day or two to proofread and edit after the essay is written.
  3. Begin writing. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But anyone who’s ever written an essay will tell you beginning is the most difficult step of the process. Blank Page Syndrome is real, folks, and if you’re not careful you’ll be trapped looking at that white desert of a page indefinitely. My recommendation is to just begin writing, no matter how terrible your opening line is. I find a good technique is to begin my essay with a boring fact – for instance, if I’m writing an essay on the history of American media, I might begin with something as dull and simple as “The media has always been a huge institution in the United States of America, but this was especially so in 1837-1850”. This statement is by all means an uninventive and poor start to an essay – but it helps me beat the blank page. You can go back and make it sound better at the editing stage.
  4. Write the introduction. The introduction is the most important paragraph in your essay. Without a good intro, your reader will feel lost and frustrated, unable to understand what the point of your essay is. So here’s a real easy way to write a good introduction. Firstly, give one or two sentences of context directly related to your topic. Secondly, state what your essay intends to investigate – you can literally write “This paper aims to investigate...”. Thirdly, write a sentence for each of the points your essay will make, in the order they will come in. Finally, write a sentence or two summarizing your thesis statement and what your final argument will be. It’s as easy is that. But the trick is to keep it simple. Speak directly to your reader and keep your sentences short and sweet. You can add flair and style later in the essay – the introduction is for informational purposes only.
  5. Write the body. The body of the essay is everything in between your introduction and conclusion. Depending on the length of the piece, you should have 1, 2, 3, or more separate points that all help argue the value and legitimacy of your thesis statement (i.e. your overall argument) in different ways. Even at University level, the old PEA (Point-Evidence-Analysis) structure works wonders, and you can use it for each of your individual points. Point: One or two sentences describing the point you wish to make in this part of the essay. Evidence: A few sentences detailing the evidence for this point (this could be sources, anecdotes, novels, etc.). Analysis: This is the crux of the essay. Analyze how this evidence you have outlined demonstrates the point you said earlier. Be creative and assertive in your points – no “it could be said” or “it may be understood as” – be confident in your critical analysis skills. For many professors, analysis is the most important part of an essay, so put lots of time into getting your point across accessibly, succinctly, and creatively.
  6. Conclude. So you’ve finished writing up your separate points that all argue towards the thesis statement you made in your introduction. Now it’s time to bring them all together. Conclusions are actually pretty simple. You can begin with a sentence stating what the essay set out to do (literally, you can write “This essay investigated...” – there’s no need for over-complication). Following that, briefly remind your reader of the content of your essays – a short sentence for each point and the way in which it demonstrated your thesis statement is ideal. Finally, bring all of this research together in a final sentence or two, stating what it argues and how this aids our understanding of the topic.
  7. Proofread and edit. Firstly, breathe. You’ve written a whole essay, and that’s no mean feat! Distract yourself and get away from your computer for a bit. Then, come back after a day or so (more, if you have the time) with fresh eyes ready to proofread and edit. Proofreading is boring but so, so important. You are looking to see if the essay is easily readable. Read it out to yourself out loud. Does it make sense in a conversational tone? No matter how difficult and complex the topic, the essay should make sense to someone with little experience in the topic. If it doesn’t, consider revising wording, sentence structuring, and grammar. Have a friend read it to themselves and give you honest feedback. Proofreading is its own beast and warrants its own how-to guide, which I’ll write up soon.
  8. Reference and create a bibliography. Firstly, let me make this clear: Reference as you write. Having to backtrack over your work and find where you sourced quotes, paraphrasing, sources and figures is a nightmare, and will extend your workload significantly. As you’re writing, simply bracket or footnote where you are getting the information from – it doesn’t have to be a full reference, simply an author and a page number will do. When you’ve finished your essay, scratch up on the referencing system specified by your teacher (there’s guides to them all online) and reference accurately. Bibliographies and referencing are time consuming, but doing them accurately is an easy way to gain marks (and, likewise, doing them incorrectly will easily lose you marks). Remember that services like Zotero will reference automatically for you, but you should still double-check these for accuracy.
  9. Proofread. Again. Before submitting your essay, read over it one last time. This time, though, don’t attempt to change major parts of the essay – be happy with what you’ve got, because over-editing is a real thing and can ruin a good essay. Simply look out for spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax issues in your essay, and fix them accordingly.
  10. Submit your essay. You’re done! Congratulate yourself, because every completed essay is an achievement. You probably won’t be happy with the final piece, but don’t worry – we are our own worst critics. Remember that if you’ve been diligent in your research, thorough in your planning, and careful in your writing, you stand a good chance of getting a good grade.

I hope this helps some of you in your writing process. It’s important to remember, however, that everyone writes differently, and there are a million ways to write an essay. This is simply the method that works for me. I’d love to read how you guys approach essays in the comments!

**I have re-posted this as the previous post was removed due to having links to my blog on it. I've removed the links, sorry for breaking the rules everyone!

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January 18, 2020 | Forum: r/GetStudying

[Serious] What are some helpful tips to writing a good essay?

Main Post: [Serious] What are some helpful tips to writing a good essay?

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I like that. I show my students PIE (Point, Illustration, Explanation), but PEEL is better. I'm going to use this in my classes now :-)

December 1, 2013 | Forum: r/AskReddit

IWTL how to write essays efficiently/skillfully (fast as possible)

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I am very slow at writing formalized essays. Something to do with mental block, organization, editing, getting it down. I waste too much time. It's an important skill and I have been slow at it for too long! Help?

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I got you:

March 31, 2023 | Forum: r/IWantToLearn